Semináře v 2021


Den Čas Místnost Téma Linky
5.11. 14:00 on-line Riste Škrekovski: Some results on unique-maximum coloring of plane graphs pozvánka
5.11. 15:00 on-line Borut Lužar: Edge-coloring subcubic graphs with five colors pozvánka
5.11. 16:00 on-line Kenny Štorgel: Further Extensions of the Grötzsch Theorem pozvánka
5.11. 16:25 on-line Mirko Petruševski: Coverability by parity regular subgraphs pozvánka
13.7. 12:30 EA553 Dalibor Fronček: Γ-supermagic Labeling of Cartesian Products of Two Cycles pozvánka
25.6. 9:00 EA553 Jakub Závada: On Scheduling of Incomplete Tournaments pozvánka
3.2. 9:00 on-line Róbert Jajcay: Algebraic constructions of cages pozvánka záznam
3.2. 10:00 on-line Tatiana Jajcayová: Partial automorphisms of graphs and algebraic tools to study them pozvánka
3.2. 11:00 on-line Mária Mériová: Inverse monoids for certain classes of graphs pozvánka
3.2. 11:10 on-line Slobodan Filipovski: On bipartite cages of excess 4 pozvánka
3.2. 12:00 on-line Tom Raiman: Conditions for vertex removal in (k,g)-graphs pozvánka
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