LodgingLodging is provided right in Hotel Červený Zámek where also the talks take place and in a nearby Hotel Sonáta. The distance between both hotels is about 200 m. Rooms in Hotel Červený Zámek have shared showers and toilets. Prices include breakfast. Rooms in Hotel Sonáta have private bathrooms with showers and prices also include breakfast. You can order lunch and/or dinner in either hotel. We will be offering a choice of two main meals in each hotel for a discounted price, or you can choose à la carte for a regular price in any hotel, too. We recommend you to register for the conference (and thus book a room) soon, as after May 25th we cannot guarantee the special prices we have negotiated with Hotel Červený Zámek. Although it is unlikely that both hotels would be fully booked, it may happen that you will have to pay full price in Červený Zámek if you don't book early and we have more than 50 participants. Hotel Červený Zámek
Hotel Sonáta
The rooms will be given to participants on the first come first serve basis. Please let us know your preferences for roommates.
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